Power FC SR20DET D-Jetro IAT Intake Air Temp Sensor Pinout
and Wiring
When installing a Apexi Power FC D-Jetro into an SR20DET powered
car you will need to wire in a IAT ( Intake Air Temp ) sensor
into the factory ECU's wiring harness. We are posting this
because with a lot of these ECU's being purchased second hand,
the manual sometimes does not come with it.
The Apexi
IAT sensor harness has 2 wires. 1 Red and 1 Brown.
Run the
BROWN wire into a ground coming from the ECU ( any solid black
wire in the ECU loom ) or ground it to the chassis.
wire from the IAT sensor should be wired into PIN#26 on the
pinout above. In some cases you will need to add a pin to
this location. If there is a wire here, cut it and splice
your red wire into the ECU.
ECU Pinout:

*Be sure you are reading the pinout correctly. Pin#3 should
have a Yellow/Red wire coming from it. Pin#16 and #20 should
have White Wires coming from it.